Beware of These Spanish Translation Mistakes

It’s true that every now and then, Spanish vocab is verrrrry similar to English. However, it’s very important to not forget that it’s not always possible to add a couple of letters onto an English word in order to get your point across. Have a read and discover what you REALLY want to say… (I’m definitely guilty of a number of these).

Kaley...& Más

Looking for a translation? Look no further! Check out my newest page, where we offer sworn translation from Spanish to English or English to Spanish!

What do Spanish people call their frenemies? It’s simple, really—enemigos. Ha! Get it? Or am I the only one who thought that was funny.

Translation can be a tricky thing. It’s tempting to Englishize all the Spanish words we don’t know. Thus, problem becomes problemo (wrong) and perfect becomes perfecto (correct). But sometimes we get into trouble with this line of thinking.

My Top 10 Spanish Translation Mistakes

Embarazada Embarrassed False Friend

1. Estar embarazada vs. to be embarrassed

Come on, I can’t not mention it. Who hasn’t, on their first trip to Spain or Mexico or wherever, let it slip that they’re so embarazada? I know I have. Too bad embarazada means pregnant!

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